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Theme Camps

AEZWebsite of The Alternative Energy Zone (a camp free of noisy, stinking, polluting generators)
Ashram GalacticaThe first and finest luxury resort in Black Rock City
Barbie Death VillageThe name does, and does not say it all.
Black Rock French QuarterSome of the finest moments in their history have been communal meals...
BRC Snow ClubHome for burners that love to ski, snowboard, snowshoe, and all other snow sports!
Burning SkyBurning Sky is basically just a bunch of skydivers who bring a plane to Black Rock City so they can skydive and give rides to other burners.
Camp BeavertonA group of queer women / trans / genderqueer / lesbian / bisexual / heterosexual / LGBTQIA+ folks who are simply as wayward as the playa is dusty.
Camp GallavantHarbor of the Pirates Of The Playa and their Mutant Vehicle, the USS Nevada. Also the home of the ARRGH Bar.
Heart BeatsSmall playa family offering a cuddle dome with ambient and downtempo tunes and sound-reactive art - aimed at opening the heart, mind, and soul.
KanuckistanTheme Camp from Alberta Canada
KidsvilleCamp designed for families with kids (at least one kid under 18 to camp in Kidsville)
Mobility CampOne of the oldest service camps at Burning Man. Among their projects are the camp?s ?Shiny Tours? that provide access to the art on the playa.
Opulent TempleThe Opulent Temple is a San Francisco based non-profit collective of a diverse group of people who like to participate in large scale joy creation
Swing CityTheme camp that brings the swinging monkey culture of the Original Muscle Beach (OMB) in Santa Monica, CA to BRC.
The Playa)(PopsDoes four or five performances as their contribution to the art at Black Rock City. It's a fun musical group in a not-too-serious, no-pressure way!
The ShireOakland-based theme camp that may or may not have the furry-toed amongst their midst?
Third Space PlaceA relaxing, community space offering a real sense of welcome and belonging beyond your dwelling.
Village of HushvilleOpen to anyone who wants to camp with them, provided you abide by three simple rules: No generators, no amplified sound., LNT of your presence.
Village of Poly ParadiseSince 1999 has been influencing the Hearts & Minds and Washing the Bodies of Playa Citizens!


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