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Bailiwick CandlesHand poured soy wax, natural cotton wick candles.
C.CraneWind-up flashlights (also wind-up and solar powered radios)
CoolightFully stocked ready to ship LyTec Electroluminescent wire
Cyalume TechnologiesLight sticks manufactured with Cyalume Technology are a safe light source for up to 12 hours
EL Wire CoatInstructables: how to add EL wire to a coat or other garment
Extreme GlowWholesale glow-in-the-dark novelties
Flashing Blinky LightsBody lights, flashing blinky lights, flashing pins & more
Flashing PandaAll kinds of stuff that lights up from a Burner run business!
Funhouse ProductionsPurveyors of Cool Neon electroluminescent fiber
Glow Products CanadaLots of cool stuff- UV reactive, LED, wire, etc
House of RaveYou want lights, they gots lots of lights! (and a few more things too)
Lasers and Lights.comLaser and LED lighting effects for home, art cars, theme camps, tents, domes and costume/body lighting
Lightupwire.comProvider of great light-up wire kits, furry accessories, POI and more!
LumilorLight up paint that can be seen at great distances yet remains easy on the eyes. Elegant, cool to the touch lighting that demands to be seen.
Plow & HearthOutdoor lamps and lighting, also many, many more fine products in their catalog.
RaveStuffGlow sticks, necklaces, bracelets, LED lights and more!
That's Cool WireSource for Electroluminescent Wire
Wild Cherry and PlayacracksLovely glowing decorations for your body


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